Thursday, September 17, 2009

Workplace Violence?

Annie le, who was recently found dead, stuffed in a wall at research facility that she worked in has been yet another female victim of male violence. The article from the associated press told a slightly different story. The news article didn't blame the act on gender, but on a 'new' growing concern of workplace violence. I say 'new' because there is nothing new about violence (including sexual harassment) perpetrated by men, directed at women in the workplace or anywhere else for that matter. The fact that the article called it workplace violence and nothing else struck a nerve in me. They failed to address the issue of male dominant violent behavior and its overwhelming presence in everyday life. The article completely dismisses the fact that male violence is at least partly to blame and dismisses it as a messed up kid from the suburbs. The issue of male violence is an epidemic and this girl, unfortunately is another victim.

1 comment:

  1. I found that story so sad. This was a woman who resisted the advances of her fellow worker and was killed as a result. Women experience sexual harassment everywhere they go. The military is full of it, the workplace is full of it, the shopping centers are full of it, even the highways. Men need to calm down.
    Didn't anyone see the strange behavior of this man, or was it just "normal" behavior? Thank you for giving this girls life meaning. There is someone behind the news, and she has left many heartbroken family and friends.
