Thursday, November 5, 2009

ADHD and the Media

The amount of advertising to children since the 1984 deregulation of children's broadcasting by the FCC has increased exponentially. It has been proven that learning disabilities and inability to form stable emotional relationships in children is directly linked to amount of television watched. The cognitive and emotional development of American children is being stunted by big business' desire to profit off of a children s market. Not only are they profiting, they are causing ADHD to develop in children. The amount of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD since the 1980's has increased along with the increase in marketing towards kids. Much of the same symptoms known to accompany the increase in TV viewing are also symptoms of ADHD. Why can these media giants get away with this? They know perfectly well the harmful effects television can have on children, but they ignore it for the sake of acquiring a loyal customer for life.

1 comment:

  1. Meghan your blog needs to be shouted out. Only we, the consumers, can change the effects of television programming on our children. We should boycott and inform the programs, the networks, and even the Federal Government to change the standards that harming our children. I know in the past I have boycotted programs because of their stance on violence. I have written the network, the program, and the advertisers stating my concern. We aren't defenseless. We hold the power.
