Thursday, October 29, 2009


Rape is a terrorism invented by men to limit the freedom of their victims. It is no doubt a horrible crime meant to scare and scar, both physically and psychologically. Our society has come a long way from the typical 'rape myths' to viewing the perpetrator as the wrong doer. Women have told countless stories about their experiences on countless talk shows and as a result, have shown that rape brings suffering and you can't just chalk up rape as a kind of 'boys will be boys' behavior. Along with their stories, though, always comes psychological distress. It makes me feel hopeless, helpless, and breakable to think that if this ever happened to me or anyone I knew that they would have no hope of leading a normal life again. The rape victim is portrayed as the fallen angel who is in need of repairing. So what does this say about the raped, yet unbreakable woman? Do we view her as weird or sick? Are there even unbreakable women out there? I think yes, and there are probably a lot more than we think. I'm not in any way relinquishing the right to human emotion or the right to be distressed from experiencing such an evil crime. I think if we could see more of these rare, resilient women we could feel empowered by knowing that we are not all collapsible and that we don't have to succumb to the terrorism imposed by the thought or act of rape. I just wanted to know what you think about this. Could an unbreakable woman inspire women to live more freely or could this unbreakable woman undermine the severity and significance of rape?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh, Ms. Oprah...

Oprah has been a cultural icon for American women since before I can remember, addressing and resolving important female issues. To many, she is like chicken soup for the female soul. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she is the bearer of all gifts female after reading her articles about "how to attract anybody you want... and your looks have nothing to do with it" and "melt off the pounds, the fastest-working workout," and all in the same magazine! Am I the only one that sees the contradiction here? Are millions of women really reading this filth without seeing the major malfunction? Not only is Oprah telling women to be happy with themselves physically, she is telling them to be shameful of their looks by incorporating a plethora of Lord and Taylor ads, Estee Lauder ads, Clinique ads, Tiffany ads, Loreal ads, etc. (I could go on forever) into her magazine and talk show. How can such a misnomer be overlooked? Oprah is a walking, talking goddess of contradiction. Don't get me wrong, I commend her for making herself what she is, but she has created an empire based on cutting women down just to raise them up, then cutting them down further for the sake of the advertisers best intrests. It's just not right on any account. She is feeding the female population junk culture, telling us what our hair says about us, where to find the best handbags, that $230 is a great buy for a pair of jeans from Nordstrom, and sexy fall boots from Neimen Marcus. Women in this country look up to her and devour her preachings whole-heartedly with the beleif that she is ever-righteous. I think the reason she has been able to pull the wool over our eyes for so long is that she disguises shallow topics as serious issues that plague the female race, such as her own self-proclaimed complex with her fluctuating dress size.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Politics and Hypocrites

"Outrage" a new film directed by Kirby Dick is a documentary that is based on the work of Mike Rogers who examines prominent, closeted gay politicians and their very public, active campaigns, and appalling voting record against the LGBT community. Rogers actively works to expose these closeted gay politicians with research and true reporting through his blog website. The list of secretly gay politicians is overwhelming and surprisingly long, as is their poor voting record against gay rights. A popular argument against the film is that these men deserve their privacy. I have to disagree, much to the contrary of the Washington Posts article titled 'Outrage' Drags Politics' Conservative Wingtips Out of the Closet. The article basically argues that there is mostly no real substance behind the evidence. But who needs substance? There were numerous sources who told, in person, detailed accounts of their encounters with prominent government representatives with descriptions of intimate regions of their bodies, homes, decorations, etc. Although the bulk of the evidence is circumstantial, it doesn't mean that it is readily disposable. The fact of the matter is that these politicians, gay, closeted, or not, are making a huge (or lack thereof) contribution to LGBT rights in order to prove to themselves and the public that they are not gay. If they wanted, they could make serious, positive change for themselves and for the rest of the LGBT community that they covertly belong to. If all politicians who are closeted came out and openly admitted they were gay, the issue of gay rights would no longer be an issue. In order to keep the popular vote and reaffirm their straightness, they must keep their dirty little secrets locked away and promote traditional family values. The media also pushes a lot under the rug in order to protect their right wing allies, or to avoid legal confrontation (except in the case of Larry Craig). It's a vicious circle of deception, and the public deserves to know about the private lives of their representatives in order to decide who is trustworthy and who is not. Some will say that personal opinion or religious beliefs shouldn't or don't affect the way that representatives make policy, but it absolutely does, especially when there reality is scewed by the psychological effects of a double life. They are undeniably traitors to their own selves and traitors to their voters. We deserve to know if our lawmakers are hypocrites because it affects us directly through their policy making.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Madonna's Muscles

Many of you have probably seen the recent photo of Madonna's muscular arms or at least heard all the negative media coverage about how she is taking fitness 'way overboard.' Granted, yes, the photo is not very flattering and it does look a little like she has a dangerously low percentage of fat, but she is fifty years old. She doesn't need the amount of fat a twenty year old who is still menstruating needs. Much of the reason females need 1o-15% body fat is so that estrogens can be produced and function normally in the body. Being a personal trainer, it is so hard to get women to want to build muscle in order to achieve maximum health benefits. They are so deathly afraid that they will look like Madonna, a man, a freak, etc. What has been overlooked, though, is that many hollywood actors have around the same percentage of fat as Madonna, you just can't see their bulging muscles because they don't train with heavy weights like she does. So the argument that she is getting negative media because she is unhealthy is void. She is getting negative feedback only because she is a muscular female. Take Angelena Joli for instance. She is very, very thin. The only difference between her and Madonna is that Angelina doesn't weight train and Madonna does, yet Angelina gets praise for her figure. Based on her fitness ethics, Madonna can be a very positive roll model for the older population who are not active and are falling apart due to that inactivity. The amount of people who have life threatening health risks is overwhelming. Less than 30% of the time do I ever get a client who has no health risks who is over 40. What's sad is that they didn't even know it could have been prevented with fitness. They thought it was all just part of getting older, which is not the case at all. The media could have put a positive spin on Madonna's muscles by highlighting the epidemic of diabetes and heart disease in the older population and giving information about how to prevent disease through fitness. Muscular, strong women should be markers for a healthy lifestyle, not disease and eating disorders.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gay Education...

The Gay Straight Alliance has recently launched a campaign called Youth in Motion which is designed to educate kids in school about gender and sexual diversity. Reportedly, 250 California schools have already signed up to receive a video about a young Native American boy and his quest to wear a bikini. I think this is a fabulous way to eliminate hate and discrimination before it is deep-rooted in the younger generation. Kids are extremely impressionable, they learn life lessons, morals, and values through experiencing the world, and more often than not, from their parents. Unfortunately a lot of parents are downright disturbed by this new found diversity education. Schools, by law, are required to let parents opt-out their kids from the viewing. What are these parents so afraid of? That their kid may become accepting and cultured? Or that, god help them, their kid becomes.... GAY! My point is that ignorance breeds ignorance. People need to see the world in full spectrum and stop being so fearful of the 'other.' Schools need to make diversity education a requirement (other than psychology and sociology) and show kids that there is more than one way of living, and that, a meaningful relationship can occur and does occur between same sex couples. And that being gay is not a disease or a problem that needs to be dealt with. Sometimes I cannot believe the hatred and fearfulness in the world and the lack of open-minded adults.