Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oh, Ms. Oprah...

Oprah has been a cultural icon for American women since before I can remember, addressing and resolving important female issues. To many, she is like chicken soup for the female soul. If I didn't know any better, I would think that she is the bearer of all gifts female after reading her articles about "how to attract anybody you want... and your looks have nothing to do with it" and "melt off the pounds, the fastest-working workout," and all in the same magazine! Am I the only one that sees the contradiction here? Are millions of women really reading this filth without seeing the major malfunction? Not only is Oprah telling women to be happy with themselves physically, she is telling them to be shameful of their looks by incorporating a plethora of Lord and Taylor ads, Estee Lauder ads, Clinique ads, Tiffany ads, Loreal ads, etc. (I could go on forever) into her magazine and talk show. How can such a misnomer be overlooked? Oprah is a walking, talking goddess of contradiction. Don't get me wrong, I commend her for making herself what she is, but she has created an empire based on cutting women down just to raise them up, then cutting them down further for the sake of the advertisers best intrests. It's just not right on any account. She is feeding the female population junk culture, telling us what our hair says about us, where to find the best handbags, that $230 is a great buy for a pair of jeans from Nordstrom, and sexy fall boots from Neimen Marcus. Women in this country look up to her and devour her preachings whole-heartedly with the beleif that she is ever-righteous. I think the reason she has been able to pull the wool over our eyes for so long is that she disguises shallow topics as serious issues that plague the female race, such as her own self-proclaimed complex with her fluctuating dress size.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I believe Oprah's talk show is a very one sided. I do not believe that she puts women first, she puts herself first. Oprah gives the persona of a very strong women, however all of her experts are men. She doesn't ever want to be challenged by another strong women. She re-victims women to gain better ratings. A rape victim doesn't have to tell the details of the rape to be empowered, they just need to work through the feelings involving the rape.Having victims relive a rape again for her own purpose shows that she doesn't care about her audience just her rating and her show. A strong woman puts all women first not just themselves.
